【母爱泛滥】吴若希与女儿玩水 吴雨霏带子女郊游

天气开始转热,加上“新冠肺炎”疫情转稳,不少人都外出。而吴若希(Jinny)亦与三岁大囡囡Giselle在天台玩水消暑。吴若希贴出照片,见她与Giselle自拍,并晒出事业线说:“今年第一水,竟然是在天台。好彩小朋友冇乜要求 Love you GiGi。”

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今年第一水, 竟然是在天台🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ 好彩小朋友无乜要求😌 Love you GiGi

吴若希(@jinnyng)分享的贴文 于 张贴

至于吴雨霏(Kary)与丈夫洪立熙,育有快满两岁的大仔Asher,以及7个月大细女Galilee。Kary亦趁好天气带一对子女郊游,呼吸新鲜空气:“Life with 2 under 2︰Little sleep, lots of love.(和两个未够两岁的孩子生活,睡得很少,但拥有很多爱。)”

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I’m happy and sad to say I’m ending my breastfeeding journey with Gal. It’s been 7 months now and it’s already a lot longer than I expected. I’m so ready to have my freedom back but I’m also sad that I’m ending this close bonding with her. Any mamas can relate? 😭(So conflicted I know lol) Regardless I feel so blessed that my body was able to nourish my babies for as long as I did. Mothers are really incredible! Whether that milk is coming from your body or formula, you are still putting in the same work and nourishment. Your baby loves you for that!! • • • Mamas, please share your BF journey with us, along with a photo of you and your baby, and tag a few of your mama friends to do the same. ENCOURAGE, SUPPORT, AND RESPECT EACH OTHER. #normalizebreastfeeding #womensupportingwomen #mompower 🤱🏻🍼❤️

Kary Ng // 吴雨霏(@ngk)分享的贴文 于 张贴


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